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Teething Diaper Rash: What Parents Need to Know in 2023

Updated: Aug 14, 2023

Ah, the joys of parenthood! The journey is filled with beautiful moments from their first smile to their first words. But let’s be honest, it also comes with its fair share of chall

enges. One of those tricky phases every parent dreads. Teething. And it’s not just about the crankiness and drooling, there’s a less talked about side effect that can be equally vexing - teething diaper rash. Sounds familiar? Well, you’re in good company.

Teething Diaper Rash Short Summary

  • Teething and diaper rash can be indirectly linked, due to excessive saliva leading to loose stools and rashes.

  • Parents should identify teething symptoms in babies, manage diaper rash with cleanliness & soothing techniques, and seek medical advice for persistent cases.

  • To prevent diaper rash during teething: ensure proper fit diapers, avoid irritating ingredients, use zinc oxide cream. Give baby some nappy free time each day.

Teething and Diaper Rash: Unraveling the Connection

Now, before you start blaming every new diaper and teething rash on those emerging pearly whites, let’s set the facts straight. Teething and diaper rash aren’t usually direct partners in crime. However, that’s not to say they can’t be indirectly linked. Let’s unravel this connection, shall we?

During the teething process, your baby might be gnawing on just about anything to soothe their irritated gums. If they happen to chew on toys carrying bacteria, it can upset their little tummies, leading to diarrhea and consequently, a diaper rash. But remember, there could be other culprits behind diaper rashes such as prolonged wetness or moisture on the skin.

Diaper rash can also be caused by both yeast and bacterial infections affecting your baby’s skin. So, if you suspect your teething baby has a bacterial diaper rash infection, it’s best to consult your healthcare provider.

Teething Diaper Rash And Excessive Saliva

In the teething phase, drooling becomes your baby’s second nature. And while their cute little drool-soaked chins might make for adorable photos, the excessive saliva can lead to some less than cute outcomes, such as swollen gums.

Here’s how it works: the extra saliva produced during teething, when swallowed, can cause loose stools or even diarrhea. And what does diarrhea often lead to? You guessed it – a higher risk of diaper rash.

Diarrhea and Diaper Rash

As parents, we often find ourselves playing detective, trying to connect the dots between teething and symptoms like diarrhea. Although there’s no concrete proof that teething directly causes diarrhea, the extra saliva produced during teething can make stools a bit looser.

When your teething baby experiences loose stools or diarrhea, their delicate skin can become irritated, leading to a dreaded diaper rash. So, while teething and diarrhea might not be direct partners in crime, they can certainly team up to leave your baby a bit worse for wear.

Identifying Teething Symptoms in Babies

Your baby’s first tooth is a milestone in their growth journey. But the teething process can be a challenging time for both your baby and you. Teething usually starts when your baby is around 6 months old and continues until they are around 30 months old.

During this period, as your baby develops, they may show signs of discomfort, have difficulty sleeping, and may even rub their ears more than usual. Some babies may also experience:

  • Extra nighttime wakings

  • Increased need for cuddling

  • Fussiness

  • Rosy cheeks

Recognizing these signs can help you better manage your baby’s teething symptoms and related issues like diaper rash.

Managing Diaper Rash in Teething Babies

When it comes to managing diaper rash in your teething baby, it boils down to three key strategies - cleanliness, soothing techniques, and vigilance for persistent rashes. Keeping your baby’s bottom clean and dry can go a long way in preventing diaper rash. This means frequent diaper changes, especially when they are soiled or wet.

As for soothing techniques, creams or ointments with mild hydrocortisone or antifungal properties can be your best allies. However, if topical treatments are not working and you suspect a bacterial infection or a yeast infection, it’s time to call up your healthcare provider.

Finally, be vigilant about persistent diaper rash. If the rash doesn’t fade away, gets worse, or is accompanied by sores or cracked skin, it’s a good idea to seek medical help.

Keeping Baby's Diaper Area Clean and Dry

One of the most effective ways to prevent diaper rash in your teething baby is by keeping their diaper area clean and dry. This means frequent diaper changes, especially when they are wet or soiled.

For cleaning, use warm water and a gentle washcloth or baby wipes that are free from alcohol or fragrance. Letting the skin air dry or gently patting it dry with a soft cloth can also help keep diaper rash at bay.

A teething baby with diaper rash has already got a lot on their plate. So, it’s important to soothe diaper rash and their irritated skin to provide relief. Look for mild hydrocortisone or antifungal creams or ointments to soothe the rash.

But remember, if these topical treatments don’t seem to be working, it’s time to consult your healthcare provider as it could be a sign of a bacterial infection.

Recognizing Persistent Diaper Rash

Every baby gets a diaper rash every now and then. But how do you know when it’s more than just an occasional irritation? Persistent diaper rash can be identified by:

  • inflamed skin in the diaper area

  • itchiness

  • general discomfort

  • painful blisters or open sores in more severe cases

If the rash is severe, lasts longer than usual, or doesn’t respond to usual treatment, it’s time to seek medical attention.

Tips for Easing Teething Diaper Rash Discomfort

Teething can be a tough phase for your little one - and for you too! But don’t worry, there are ways to ease your baby’s teething discomfort and make this phase a bit smoother. Massaging your baby’s gums, providing a cold teething toy, or giving over-the-counter pain relievers like Tylenol or Motrin can all help ease teething pain and minimize teething upsets.

It’s all about finding what works best for your little one and providing them with the comfort they need during this challenging phase.

How to Prevent Diaper Rash During Teething

Prevention, they say, is better than cure. And when it comes to diaper rash during teething, this couldn’t be more true. Ensuring a proper diaper fit and avoiding products with irritating ingredients are key to preventing diaper rash during teething.

In addition, applying a good amount of diaper rash cream with zinc oxide can help protect your baby’s skin. And don’t forget to give your little one some diaper-free time each day. This can help reduce inflammation and keep diaper rash at bay.

Proper Diaper Fit

When it comes to diapers, one size does not fit all. An ill-fitting diaper can rub against your baby’s delicate skin and lead to skin irritation, increasing the risk of diaper rash and causing baby’s irritated skin.

A properly fitting diaper should:

  • Come just slightly below your baby’s belly button

  • Fit snugly around the waist and thighs without leaving any red marks on their skin

  • Be secure but not too tight - just like a gentle hug!

Baby's Delicate Skin
Secret Ingredient Mushroom Extracts!

As parents, we always want what’s best for our little ones, and this includes the products we use. When it comes to preventing diaper rash during teething, it’s important to steer clear of products with irritating ingredients. Common irritants to avoid include:

  • Baking soda

  • Salicylates

  • Phenol

  • Benzocaine

  • Boric acid

  • Talcum powder

Instead, look for products that are specifically formulated for babies with sensitive skin and always read labels carefully. Our Product is specifically formulated with all natural ingredients supplied by mother nature.

A baby with a properly fitted diaper to prevent diaper rash
Fitted Diaper Prevents Rash


Teething is a milestone in your baby’s life that can come with its share of challenges, including the possibility of diaper rash. But with the right knowledge and tools at your disposal, you can manage this phase effectively. Keep your baby’s diaper area clean and dry, soothe irritated skin, and be vigilant about persistent rashes. Ensure a proper diaper fit and avoid products with irritating ingredients. And remember, every baby is unique, so what works for one might not work for another. Stay patient, stay informed, and remember - this too shall pass!

Frequently Asked Questions

Can teething cause a rash on bum?

Teething is not directly correlated with diaper rash on your baby’s bum. Though it is often suggested that teething may cause a rash, there is no concrete evidence to support this.

What does a teething bum rash look like?

A teething bum rash can cause flat or slightly raised, red patches with tiny bumps and skin that may become chapped. The AAP describes it as irritant dermatitis, which is seen as pink or red patches on the skin covered by the diaper.

These rashes often come and go over weeks.

Does teething cause fever and diaper rash?

No, teething does not cause fever or diaper rash. It is a common misconception, however, it only causes irritability and mild discomfort in babies.

How does teething affect baby poop?

Teething itself won’t directly cause diarrhea, but it can lead to looser stools due to increased fluid intake.

Parents should take it seriously if their child has diarrhea throughout the day.

How can I soothe my baby's irritated skin during teething?

Try applying mild hydrocortisone or antifungal cream/ointment to soothe your baby’s irritated skin during teething.

If these are not working, it’s best to consult a healthcare provider.

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